Tag Archives: juicing

Turning it around


image from crashtestdaddy’s instagram

I haven’t felt this good in a long time.
It’s inevitable, I guess. You can’t ignore your body for long. An aching here, a throbbing pain there, you can’t manage a flight of stairs without panting…and wrinkles!
I’m having a hard time not using the word ‘abusive’ for the way I’ve been living in this body.
So three weeks ago, I started juicing fruits and vegetables at home. The next day, I bought a blender for the office and I’ve been alternating super fruits pineapples or soursop with super veggies moringa, spinach and cucumber, daily. To make sure I get ’em fresh and healthy, I’ve been going to the weekend Salcedo Market in Makati for organic food supplies: i.e. Himalayan Salt to replace table salt, fresh greens like kale and spinach.
Then, last week, I quit smoking. I cheated last Tuesday and smoked two sticks with a client but got a headache after — I guess this means my body’s really saying goodbye to those sick sticks.
And then, the kicker: this morning, I actually did 100 push ups!
Hahaha! What is happening to me?!?