I feel proud whenever Noah says he wants to look and be like me.  Happy he’s taken to the things I love: comics, science fiction (he’s quite the Youngling — he knows the Star Wars mythos better than most fans I know) and video games. He also took to wearing my trademark lens-less specs so he can look like mini me.
It seems I may have let paternal pride, well, blind me. How could I have known he’d also be predisposed to poor eyesight like me? All those hours watching TV, bonding over video games on his PSP, PS3, Wii and X-box, reading my comics. Now, he has to wear real eyeglasses — and he’s only in first grade!
So we got him these kiddie frames a couple of weeks ago and we’ve been teaching him to take care of it, clean it, make sure it isn’t scratched or broken when he’s rough-housing with his classmates. I went through a lot of eyeglasses when I was younger. But, no, we won’t be posting those old photos. Â
More importantly, we’re teaching him proper reading positions and conditions, to eat right — I had to make up a story about me loving to munch on raw carrots when I was a kid, limited his TV time and gave him just one hour of video games on weekends. Hopefully, his eyesight won’t deteriorate any further like mine has. Tsk, tsk, tsk.